
About us

         Xiamen COBE NDT Technology Co, Ltd  R&D center is located in Software park III,COBE has the independent R & D institutions (cooperate with Tsinghua University , Xiamen University , Nanchang Hangkong University etc)and academic research institutions (cooperate with China Electromagnetic Testing Center, China Institute of NDT, China Special Equipment Inspection Bureau) , with the strong R&D capability.
        COBE research center is also well-known universities and scientific research, the composition of the social scientific collaboration network, and establish a strategic partnership with the world's leading manufacturer of nondestructive testing, ensure the technical level of COBE company in the domestic and world leading position .
太原市| 湖州市| 文昌市| 资溪县| 西青区| 南靖县| 贺州市| 昭觉县| 祁阳县| 固镇县| 泸州市| 南平市| 恩平市| 泽库县| 喀喇沁旗| 巴青县| 安阳县| 金塔县| 安福县| 信宜市| 金川县| 客服| 集安市| 巴楚县| 那坡县| 开封市| 镇宁| 华阴市| 南充市| 亳州市| 左云县| 嘉禾县| 天祝| 肥城市| 民权县| 长海县| 武川县| 梨树县| 金川县| 南昌县| 淳安县|